Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Victor de Souza Sping 2010

Ich liebe Victor. Und seine 2010 Kollektion. Bei der er den weiblichen Körper auseinander genommen hat, um ihn danach scheinbar besser zusammen zu setzten. Er tauchte Hände in Wachs, um sie mit durchsichtigen Hüllen zu schützen. Und baute Frauen Panzerarme mit denen sie sich wehren können, wenn jemand ihre Verletzlichkeit angreifen will. Details wie riesengroße Knöpfe und Krägen erinnern an Harlekins und eine Neo-Renaissance. Die Haltung und der Ausdruck der Models an Porzellan Puppen. Mit Michelle Harper als Muse, seinem blaublütigen Namen, seiner Eleganz, seinem spanischen Akzent, wundere ich mich fast, dass ich Victor de Souza auf der Strasse kennen gelernt habe. Und nicht auf Style.com.

© Music: Wilson

Lucky Girl

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


umbrellas are forever or never

Friday, July 24, 2009

A cloudy day

makes me want to wear red and blue.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Met Costume Gala: Shoulders and Hats

Who wore the big round shoulders better? Rihanna (left) or Leighton Meester (right)? And what about Madonna? Her outfit is all about wrong proportions. The boots are too long, the dress is too short, the hat-bow-peace it too tall. The gloves are too small. Fast forward against the golden section.

Met Costume Gala

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Worn by

Made by this is the old black. And worn by the new. Eugene makes all his friends wear his designs, leather keyrings with crawfish arms. And whistles.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cunningham & Lynch for Gucci

Luckily Chris Cunninghams and David Lynchs Gucci videos play both 1 minute. As I think they look synchronous the best.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Top Fit

Perfect Mix of Materials, Patterns and Folding Forms


Valentino surrounded by Hollywood's Darlings and Madonna at the premier party of the documentary the last emperor about his last two years as dressmaker. As the picture is taken from above, you can see, that non of the blondes is blond by nature. What about Anne Hathaway?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Internet Celebrities @ ROFLThing NYC

Where you afraid to come here? Someone in the crowd asked Vincent Connare, the designer of Comic Sans, the most "behated" font in the room. In 1994 he designed the chubby letters for Microsoft, in order to create a font, that fits better in speech bubbles than Times New Roman. With no intention to spread it anywhere else. Today he nearly takes a picture of ugly applications, everywhere he goes: toilets, restaurants, and shops. Just everywhere, where someone means to be friendly. "Sorry", he commits. "I didn't mean it."

After knowing more about internet celebrities, it was our turn to answer @ ROFLCon.. Who wants to be famous? 3 fingers. Who wants to be rich? all fingers. Most internet users prefer to let their cats be the star.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

into the green

Foto: Michal Martychowiec
Styling: Andrej Skok

missing England?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dazed inspiration

Waste your time, spend hours

Natalie II

How does Natalie Portman manage to always look stunning?

All in one

At the time this pictures was made, real families still existed. That thought the same, acted the same, laughed the same way, eat the same and dressed the same: on cozy weekends this all over Bodystockings - Jumpsuit. They must have been happy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sworn and sang

Meanwhile the inauguration ceremony Obama had to sing. His voice didn't sound bad. But he wasn't standing close enough to the microphone, that we know, whether this is another skill we will love him for. But that is not of greater interest today. Hope became true. And causes expectation....just let him start for now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mermaids win

Is Kate Winslet still looking for Jack on this picture by Annie Leibovitz? However she must found her lovebird, Leonardo di Caprio, who sank with the Titanic in the depths of the sea. Cause they are back together in a new movie, called Revolutionary Road. Therefore Kate has won a Golden Globe as best actress on Sunday. And told Leo on stage, that she really loves him...and her husband Sam Mendes, who directed the drama. It was Kates night, as she won also a second Globe for her supporting performance in the Reader.